Paediatric Special Interest Group of the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
James E. Elder, FRANZO, MBBS
Shuan Dai, FRANZCO
The Paediatric Special Interest Group (PSIG for short) is an official Special Interest Group of the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists. As such it does not have an independent constitution or website etcetera and is governed by our College. Membership of PSIG is approximately 70 ophthalmologists from Australia & New Zealand, all of whom have a significant clinical and/or academic interest in Paediatric Ophthalmology.
Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
94-98 Chalmers Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Email: james.elder@rch.org.au
Phone: 61393456266
Paediatric Special Interest Group Section of Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology
Azlindarita Aisyah Mohdabdullah, MB BCH BAO, MS
Jalan Boling Padang
13/64, Seksyen 13,
40100 Shah Alam Eye Clinic
MSU Medical Centre
Management and Science University
Selangor 40100
Email: draisyahafiz@gmail.com
Phone: +603-55262600
Pediatric Ophthamology and Strabismus Society
La-Ongrsi Atchaneeyasakul, MD
The Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Society of Thailand is a non-governmental, non-profit, scientific organization established in the year 2000. The objectives of the society are: To serve as a center for members to communicate and share their experiences in the field of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus; To promote and encourage research and training in this field; To encourage and support public health education through local health departments nationwide.

Department of Ophthalmology
Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University
Bangkok 10700
Email: atchanee@hotmail.com
Phone: 662-4198033
Pediatric Ophthamology & Strabismus, Western Region, Saudi Arabia
Moustafa S. Abdelhafez, MD, FRCS
Magrabi Eye Hospital
Madinah Road
Jeddah 21455
Email: moustafa.salah2020@gmail.com
Phone: +966504384347
Pediatric Ophthamology & Strabismus, Section of Polish Society of Ophthalmology
Piotr Loba, MD
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Section of Polish Society of Ophthalmology brings together ophthalmologists whose both clinical and scientific interests are focused on problems of binocularity and eye movement disorders as well as pediatric ophthalmology. Main goals of the Section is encouraging research and educational initiatives in the field of strabismus and pediatric ophthalmology.
Kopcinskiego 22
90-153 Lodz
Email: pto@pto.com.pl
Phone: +48 883 315 772
Website: https://pto.com.pl/
Peru Pediatric Ophthamology & Strabismus, Society/Interest Group
Luz J. Gordillo, MD
The Peruvian Pediatric Ophthalmology and strabismus Center belongs to the National Peruvian Ophthalmology since long 1970, the national society has 700 members that are working in all country The Peruvian Pediatric Ophthalmology and strabismus center is working before in strabismus, actually is working in Pediatric prevention of childhood blindness the main disease is prevention of blindness due to ROP that are proof to be the first cause of blindness under this population, the actions is cover for other disease like refraction errors, infantile cataract, retinoblastoma etc.
Av. Brasil 1129
Jesus Maria
11 Lima
Email: luz.gordillo@gmail.com
Phone: 51 9966 50040
Philippine Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Patricia Yukiji J. Villa, MD
Founded in 1998 with only 8 members, the PSPOS is a growing society. Currently it is a 30- member society, who mostly have undergone training for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus abroad. With the goal of teaching the residents Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, the society holds a quarterly Pedia-Strab conference, which rotates in various hospitals and institutions. It also conducts a yearly symposium during the Annual Meeting of the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology (PAO).

c/o American Eye Center, Level 5
Shangri-La Plaza
Email: pattivilla@icloud.com
Phone: +639178802235
Polish Orthoptic Association
Agnieszka Rosa
Polish Orthoptic Association, named after Prof. Krystyna Krzystkowa (PTO-IPKK) was established in 2013 as a result of an initiative of teachers of theoretical and practical orthoptics. Association consists of registered and certified orthoptists from the different healthcare institutions in the Country. Primary goal of the Polish Orthoptic Association is to initiate, develop, propagate and execute actions that contribute to the development of orthoptics in Poland.

Agnieszka Rosa
UI Kosciuszki 10
05-825 Grodzisk
Email: agarosa@vp.pl
Website: https://pto-ipkk.pl/
Saudi Group of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Dr. Amal Alhemidan
The Saudi group of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus is a society with members who are practicing pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia who are motivated to improve the child vision care in the kingdom due to obvious gaps in treatment practices.
Riyadh, Central 11633
Riyadh 11633
Saudi Arabia
Email: aalhemidan@gmail.com
Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmologia Infantil
Fernando Prieto Diaz
The Society is formed by pediatric ophthalmologists from the different states of Argentina. We communicated between us every time, organizing capacitation courses, standardizing the ophthalmic pediatric visual examination in all the country, making diffusion for ROP prevention; we are also in the construction of a foro to discuss cases from any Argentine city. We are also very closely related to the CAE (Consejo Argentino de Estrabismo), with whom we organize annual conventions.
Santa Fe 2245. Piso 1.
Dto D
Buenos Aires
Email: fernandoprietodiaz@hotmail.com
Phone: 00541148235819
Sociedad Costarricense De Oftalmologia Pediatrica Y Estrabismo
Leslie Arguello SR, MD, MSC
This society was created to encourage all the ophthalmologists who work with children. To keep actualized medical knowledge in pediatric ophthalmology, to work as a team with the same guide of treatments, to develop investigations of concerns in this area, to participate in international councils and meetings to share information, and also to have active participation in the ophthalmology training of the specialist.

Clinica Oftalmologica.
Costado Este Hospital
Mexico, Direccion Medica
San Jose
Costa Rica
Email: socopecr@yahoo.com
Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Estrabismo y Oftalmologia Pediatrica
Andrea Molinari, MD
This is the first subspecialty Society in the Ecuadorian Ophthalmological Society. It was founded around 20 years ago, it does not have many members and does not have many meetings but at least one meeting per year.
Centro Medico Meditropoli Of. 211 Av.
Mariana de Jesus OE-8
Email: amolinari1234@gmail.com
Phone: 59322268173
Sociedad Espanola de Estrabologia
Rosario Gomez-De-Liano, MD, Ph.D
Founded in 1972 the SEEOP is the National Spanish association dedicated to Promote the development of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology
Since then SEEOP has organized a congress every year. It also produces a magazine (Archivos de la SEEOP) with 2 annual volumes.

Arcipreste De Hita
14, 1. º DCHA
28015 Madrid
Email: rgomezdeliano@ucm.es
Phone: 0034 915445879
Website: https://www.estrabologia.org/
Sociedad Oftalmopediatria Latinoamericana
Angela Maria Fernandez, MD
Ophthalmologist interested in Pediatric Ophthalmology and development of this specialty.

Avenida 9 #116-20
Consultorio 704
Email: amfernandezd@yahoo.com
Phone: +57 1 2150817
Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Pediatrica
Galton Carvalho Vasconcelos
The Brazilian Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology aims at putting together pediatric ophthalmologists, researchers and general ophthalmologists interested in the field of pediatric ophthalmology. It provides a forum for discussion and exchange of information on pediatric eye diseases. It aims at encouraging young ophthalmologists to understand pediatric eye disease and encouraging Brazilian research in the field of pediatric ophthalmology.

Rua Padre Rolim 541
Belo Horizonte - MG
Email: galtoncvasc@yahoo.com.br
Phone: 553132183041
Website: https://sbop.com.br/
Sociedade Portugesa de Oftalmologia
Francisco Reich-D'Almeida, MD, Ph.D, FRCOPH
The Portuguese Ophthalmological Society was set up in 1939 with the following purposes: 1. Promoting development of Ophthalmology in all its aspects, a community prophylactic role, a curative role of medical assistance, a scientific, pedagogic and research role; always bearing in mind an ethical and deontological approach; 2. Defending its associates, namely in the exercise of their profession; 3. Contributing for a correct conception of a Health Policy in the field of Ophthalmology.
Campo Pequeno, 2-13 º
1000-078 Lisbon
Email: socportoftalmologia@gmail.com
Phone: 21 782 04 43
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spoftalmologia/
Website: https://spoftalmologia.pt/
Societatea Romana de Strabologie si Oftalmopediatrie
Daniela E. Cioplean, MD
Founded in 2001. Meetings every two years. Meeting duration 2 days. Currently invited speakers from abroad. Official languages: Romanian and English. Last Meeting , May 2014. Partner of the Romanian Society of Ophthalmology. Every year, SRSOP organizes subspecialty courses in a special section of the National Congress of Romanian Society of Ophthalmology. The former president of the SRSOP organized the ESA Meeting 2012. Two members are members of ESA, ISA, AAPOS and other 10, ESA Members.

Clinica Ophthalmologica Oftapro
B-dul Marasesti nr. 15
Sector 4
040251 Bucuresti
Email: daniela.cioplean@oftapro.ro
Phone: +40722438493
Website: http://www.srsop.org.ro/
South African Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Anthony D. N. Murray, FRCS
Aims of the Society, founded in Cape Town on 15th March 2013, are to: 1. Advance education, research and the quality of clinical practice in the field of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus 2. Provide an opportunity for meeting colleagues with an interest in the same field and communicating information on subjects of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus President :Anthony Murray Committee members: Gideon du Plessis, Nicola Freeman
38 Orchard Street
Cape Town
South Africa
Email: anthony.murray@uct.ac.za
Phone: 27214066265
Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmological Society of India
Dr. Vinita Singh
Society started as Strabismological society of India and changed the name to strabismus and pediatric ophthalmological society of India and has been in existence for 25 years and has an association with Asia Pacific pediatric ophthalmological society APCOS Biennial mega conferences only in important cities of India and annual conference again in cities of india and very rich academic exchange on the subject of pediatric ophthalmology along with live surgeries and www.strabismusindia is the website.
Medical Research Foundation
18 College Road
Tamilnadu Tamil Nadu
Email: profvinsingh@gmail.com
Phone: +919940155855
Website: https://www.sankaranethralaya.org/
Strabismus Branch of Turkish Ophthalmological Society
Mehdi Suha Ogut, MD
Turkish Ophthalmology Society is a nationwide organization of Turkish ophthalmologists representing about 4000 members. The society has 16 branches. Strabismus branch is one of the oldest and active branches of the society.
Milet Caddesi Gulsen
AP. 21/9
Aksaray (Yusufpasa)
34096 Istanbul
Email: genelmerkez@todnet.org
Phone: +90 212 6329998
Website: http://www.todnet.org/home/
Sudanese Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Society
Dr. Ahmed Fahmi, MD
The society includes a number of pediatric oriented ophthalmologists and strabismus surgeons. Three pediatrics oriented optometrists and orthoptists were invited and included in the group.One comprehensive pediatrician, pediatrics rheumatologist, pediatrics neonatology and pediatric neurologists are active members of the groups.Three pediatrics oriented anesthesiologists were invited, however only one joined the group. Two orbital surgeons are active in the group. Some sudanese pediatric oriented ophthalmologists are among the active participants. One retinal surgeon is also included.
Alfaisal Eye Center
Makka Nus Street
Riadh Khartoum
Email: biophku@yahoo.com
Phone: +249912369749
Taiwan Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Society
Chong-Bin Tsai, MD
Taiwan Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Society (TPOSS) is a sub-group of Taiwan Academy of Ophthalmology (TWAO). It was established in 2011. The mission of TPOSS is to improve the quality of care in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus in Taiwan.
Jing-Fu Building, 1.
Changde Street
Taipei 10048
Email: cbtsai@gmail.com
Phone: +886-2-2381 3589
Website: http://twao.org.tw/